The Value of Groundwater – symposium on 23 September 2015

23 September 2015, Nieuwegein (NL) • The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Netherlands’ Chapter, the Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV) and VVM, together with KWR Water, Deltares and IHP Belgium, are organizing a symposium on The Value of Groundwater (in Dutch). Very interesting speakers and free registration for members!


Venue: KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Groningerhaven 7, 3433 PE Nieuwegein


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Speakers include:
Theo Olsthoorn (chair IAH Netherlands Chapter and Professor Emeritus at Delft University of Technology):
   Duurzaam grondwaterbeheer liever volgens het Rijnlands dan het Angelsaksische model:
   Realiteitszin vergt een langetermijnvisie en je dromen durven doen

Marcus Wijnen (Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, World Bank):
   In troebel water is het goed vissen: zonder economische analyse blijft duurzaam grondwaterbeheer een droom

Tanja Klip-Martin (dijkgraaf waterschap Vallei en Veluwe):
   Grondwater over bestuurlijke grenzen heen

Douwe Jonkers (Projectleider Structuurvisie Ondergrond, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu):
   Grondwater en ondergrond: een afweging waard!

Wim van Vierssen (directeur KWR en hoogleraar TU Delft), mede namens Maarten Smits (directeur Deltares):
   De waarde van grondwatervoorraden

Ron Bohlmeijer (Water Stewardship coordinator, Heineken)
   Water: de onmisbare grondstof voor bier, nu en later

The lunch will be sponsored by IGRAC.

In the afternoon three parallel workshops will focus on:
• Groundwater and economy
• Groundwater and energy
• Groundwater and climate

followed by a plenary discussion and drinks


Chair: Marc Bierkens (chair Netherlands Hydrological Society and Utrecht University)


Register now 150Members of IAH, NHV and VVM have free participation.

Other can become a member or pay € 100 registration fee. Student rates apply.


Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (IAH Netherlands Chapter and Netherlands Hydrological Society)
             and This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (VVM)




Groundwater is a valuable resource primarily because:

  • it provides a reservoir of clean fresh water, relatively free from chemical and microbiological contamination, which can be used for drinking water supply with minimal treatment and minimum infrastructure (if used in situ);
  • it sustains river and stream flow during periods of dry weather, which dilutes discharges and maintains aquatic life, recreational use and visual appeal;
  • it supports some wetlands where it discharges to surface (this can have enormous ecological importance as well as recreational opportunities);
  • subsidence of the ground surface can result from lowering of groundwater levels from over-abstraction or land drainage.

The benefits that groundwater provides can be monetised in order to compare different benefits and to compare them with the costs of pollution or of enhancing the resource. Particular knowledge gaps are related to carbon sequestration, regulation of flood flow, prevention of subsidence, ecological impacts.