The Value of Groundwater – presentations available

On 23 September 2015, the Netherlands Chapter of IAH, the Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV) and environmental society VVM organized a symposium in Nieuwegein (NL) about The Value of Groundwater, with speakers from the World Bank, water boards, water supply companies, science and groundwater users such as Heineken. The presentations are now available.

The board of the IAH Netherlands Chapter and the board of the Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV) would especially like to thank Ebel Smidt, Michael van der Valk and Igor Mendizabal (IT support) for their hard and commited work that made this meeting very successful!


acrobat icon Programme

acrobat icon Greenhouse cultivation and water storage (Jean Aarts)

acrobat icon Spatial planning and water extraction (Hans Bousema)

acrobat icon Geo-thermal heating/cooling (Niels Hartog)

acrobat icon Underground water storage (Carl Paauwe)

acrobat icon New usage of groundwater and policy developments (Ivo Buijnsters)

acrobat icon Economic analyses for sustainable groundwater management (Marcus Wijnen, World Bank)

acrobat icon Sustainable groundwater management (Theo Olsthoorn)

acrobat icon Groundwater and governance (Tanja Klip-Martin)

acrobat icon Governmental groundwater and subsoil considerations (Douwe Jonkers)

acrobat icon Groundwater supplies and innovation (Wim van Vierssen, KWR Water)

acrobat icon Water for beer, now and later (Ron Bohlmeijer, Heineken)

acrobat icon Economic and commercial self-sufficient water supply in the Netherlands (Tine te Winkel)

acrobat icon Farmer, beer, water: using effluent from beer brewer Bavaria to reduce agricultural drought (Bart Bardoel)

acrobat icon Groundwater and climate change from a global perspective (Neno Kukuric)

acrobat icon Impact of sea-level change on groundwater in coastal areas (Gualbert Oude Essink, Deltares)

acrobat icon Impact of climate change on grondwater and vegetation in nature reserves (Flip Witte, KWR Water)

acrobat icon The Third River: the value of groundwater for a climta-proof delta (Lidwien Besselink)