Cooperation for a Water Wise World: Partnerships for Sustainable Development – new report by SIWI

Ahead of the World Water Week in Stockholm, the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) has released its report «Cooperation for a Water Wise World: Partnerships for Sustainable Development». The report will serve as an input to the World Water Week, taking place from 1–6 September 2013, in Stockholm, Sweden, on the theme «Water Cooperation: Building Partnerships».

2013.08.22 SIWI report

The report focuses on some of the key opportunities and challenges to effective cooperation over transboundary waters, in the private sector and for environmental protection. The authors also explore emerging issues such as the role of information and communications technology in advancing water cooperation; the importance of climate mitigation and adaptation coherence; the interplay between actors in the water, food and energy nexus; as well as provide new insights to resolve long standing challenges, such as improving coordination and collaboration in the management of freshwater and coastal systems.

The report includes an introduction, overview of the thematic scope of the 2013 World Water Week and sections on: promoting ecosystem health and conservation through water cooperation; water resources and the private sector; using information and communication technology (ICT) to improve water governance and cooperation; transboundary water cooperation; thirsty energy, i.e. the importance of water for power generation; unpacking the water-energy-food nexus; reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) while building resilience; and bridging divides between land, water, coast and sea.

The report is designed to provide the basis for further discussions on the theme of water cooperation including cooperation: between actors in different sectors to optimize benefits to water; between stakeholder groups recognizing water as a common good; across traditional management from hilltop to ocean; between jurisdictions and levels from village to transboundary basin; and between scientists and users to bridge the science-policy gap. Identifying areas where cooperation is working and where further work is required, the report identifies risks, linkages, disconnects and challenges in order to provoke discussions at World Water Week 2013.

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